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Next Pro 110 Freeskates

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Rolele Next Pro 110 sunt potrivite pentru patinajul agil printre obstacolele urbane. Acest model de role de freestyle de la Powerslide vine echipat cu o gheată dură de calitate.

Rolele de freestyle de la Powerslide au diverse dimensiuni. De aceea recomandăm să alegi o mărime mai mare decât mărimea normală a piciorului.

  • High-Cut cuff (banda de protecție de deasupra gleznei) pentru un suport de gleznă maximizat și pentru reducerea oboselii la nivel muscular
  • Cadru din aluminiu super ușor și cu proprietăți de manevrare foarte bune
  • Roți de 110mm cu o duritate de 86A ce ajută la a genera viteză în timp ce menții un stil de patinaj interactiv
  • Sistem Trinity de montare a cadrului ce ajută la optimizarea balansului deoarece aduce roțile cât mai aproare de gheată posibil

Nu uitați să verificați șuruburile înainte de prima utilizare și să le strângeți dacă este necesar. Vă rugăm să rețineți că trebuie să examinați în mod regulat starea șuruburilor.

Piese compatibile

Găsește produse compatibile cu Powerslide Next Pro 110 Freeskates:

Piese compatibile


Diametru Roți:
Duritate Roți:
Boot/Shell tip:
Material Cadru:
Caracteristici Căptușeală:
Ajustabil prin Încălzire
Șireturi, Cataramă pentru micro-reglare
Precizie Rulmenți:
Tip Cadru:
Cu 3 roți
Suport lateral ridicat, Gaică integrată de transport
Recomandat pentru:
Fitness skating, Freestyle skating, Role de Antrenament

Recenzii   (21)

Cumpărător verificat
"Produsul până acum este aproape perfect, este în mare parte la ce mă asteptam, o ador. Singura problemă este că interiorul pantofului are acea spumă puțin cam groasă şi îmi răneste un pic gleznele dar am facut rost de o apărătoare sau aşa ceva si acum e mai bine, cu timp o să se formeze în mod perfect, în rest totul este perfect. A şi ajuns mai repede de cât ar fi trebuit. Recomand👌."
David M. (Szatmàr) 16/11/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"Love em. The heat mold feature is great. High quality wheels and bearings. Fast, responsive. I am not a huge fan of the wax laces but that's a personal preference. It takes a long time to lace and unlace the skates becaues of the positioning of the buckles."
Lief Bamberg (Santa Fe) 08/04/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Estoy bastante contento con los patines, sobretodo resalto la comodidad de la bota. He visto un fallo en la lengüeta del patín izquierdo, (en la parte que rodea el tobillo) que venia doblada y con posibilidad de rotura, por lo que he tenido que liarlo con una cinta de tela para asegurarlo. Es cosa de poco, pero no deja de ser un fallo. Me imagino que vendría así de fábrica, por eso le doy 4 estrellas."
José Antonio Limonche Valverde (Madrid) 10/02/2021
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  Hola José,
Primero de todo muchas gracias por el tiempo en dejarnos tu feedback.
Revisando nuestros correos no tenemos constancia de esta incidencia así que lamentablemente no hemos podido ayudarte hasta ahora, así que nos alegra que hayas dejado el comentario para poder encontrar la mejor solución.
Ahora mismo nos ponemos en contacto contigo y esperamos así poder ayudarte en la mayor brevedad.
Un saludo,
Cumpărător verificat
"Llegó muy rápido. Talla perfecta."
Sergio Muñoz González (Granada) 03/02/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Llegó en buen estado, talla perfecta."
Lady Rojas (Valdemoro) 03/02/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Deze voelen echt goed. Gaan snel en geven veel controle. Wel is het uitdoen van de skate een beetje een hell. Skate er nu al een tijd mee. Maar ze zitten ergens te strak aan de wreef lijkt me. Zelfs als ik de veters losser doe is het geen pleziertje. Alsook al een issue gehad met een wiel dat los kwam. Waardoor ik onderuit ben gegaan. Dit is mijn eerste paar skates waar ik dus echt welke rit controllleer of de bouten nog vast zitten. Dit doe ik bij andere skates niet omdat ik mijn wielen best wel vaak roteer en juist dan de gehele controle uitvoer."
Kevin Claes (Kontich) 05/01/2021
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  Hi Kevin! Bedankt voor je review. Door trillingen kunnen schroefjes wat losser gaan zitten, het is dus altijd goed om de schroevne en assen te controleren. :) Betreft de wreef, dit model valt wat smaller dan gemiddeld waardoor het inderdaad nauwer kan aanvoelen in de schoen. //Iris
Cumpărător verificat
"Très bien"
carpenito francesco (Wezembeek-Oppem) 01/01/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Compre 2 pares de patines, las tallas por medio de milimetros no fue exacta tuve q hacer devolucion llevo mas de un mes esperando y nobhay ni respuesta cuando decia que eran 3 dias despues de recibirlo ... pesimo servicio 👎🏻"
D. Lopez (Santurtzi) 06/11/2020
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  Buenos días Diana,
Primero de todo queremos pedirte mil disculpas, no entendemos el motivo pero no se te mando el mail automático avisando que ya tenias disponible el crédito para poder hacer tu compra en SkatePro para poder obtener de nuevo tus patines.
Por las molestias vamos a añarite un crédito de 30€ adicional para que puedas comprar lo que más necesites y así poder mitigar las molestias que esto te ha podido causar.
De nuevo esperamos que puedas disculparnos.
Un saludo,
Cumpărător verificat
"Just as advertised. The blades shipped quickly and arrived just as expected. I wear a size 11.5 shoe in the US (euro 46), and got the 12/12.5. They fit great. After maybe twenty minutes figuring out how to attach the wheels (watch a youtube video, very simple when you see someone else do it first) and I was ready to go. I just turned 30 and hadn't bladed regularly since I was 15 (though back then I did it constantly). New wheels take a bit of maneuvering to break in, but any experienced skater will love these. A little expensive, but pay once and cry once. You won't need a new pair for a decade with these babies."
Michael Natriello (Brooklyn) 26/10/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"So far I have been very happy with these Powerslide Next Pro 110 skates. Had to go a size bigger than the size chart here for them to fit. There is lots of adjustability here. Comfortable, smooth, and fast compared to my old 4 wheel skates from back in the day. Shipping was quicker than expected."
Evan Stumpges (Peoria) 14/10/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"Wow incredible Skates! Unfortunately I’m unable to try them as I had a bad fall & injured one of the ligaments in my knee! It was a static fall whilst trying to take off one my skates, I was also wearing all my protective gear, so please be careful out there! ☹️. The fit of the skates is perfect and the wheels are superb, I chose 110mm because I’m not brave enough to attempt using 125mm, but it’s on my wish list.. I’m stuck at home staring at my skates wishing I was out on them, it’ll be a few weeks before I’m fully recovered and I doubt I’ll be able for skating once I’m back walking properly. I’m sure in a few months I will really appreciate getting back on the wheels especially these beauties! 😆"
Andrew McLelland (Westport) 07/10/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"This skates are really fun and really comfortable! I don't really see or feel any height difference for a 3x110 setup on the Trinity as compared to a normal 165mm urban skate mount, but the Trinity mount feels so much more smoother on rough surfaces and has very good control. The wheels have more grip than what I'm used to making it easier to slide to stop, but it felt like I needed to pull myself together to commit to the slides. This is probably just because the wheels are very new. I bought these in 46-47 and I normally wear size 44 sneakers, they are a bit wide by the toes for me and I can move my toes but it doesn't affect my skating at all. I have skated around 50km within the first week since getting this pair and my longest trip was 24km. My only complaint with these is that the wheels wear out surprisingly fast! It could be due to the roads I skate on and my habit of sliding to stop, but my right wheel to the back already looks worn off"
Christian Helle (Ishøj) 01/10/2020
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  Thank you for the great feedback! 🤙 I'm happy that you like the skates. It's one of my favorite freeskates too. When it comes to wheels, the ones this skate comes with are very soft, which means they wear easily. But they are very good at urban skating and doing jumps and riding down stairs. If you want a harder wheel, you should take a look at wheels like Matter G13. You will lose some grip with these wheels, but you will gain some speed. If you need help choosing new wheels, let us know. Either on email og call us. You can find all our contact info on our website.
Cumpărător verificat
"Fantastic skates faster than I expected, if you have the means to purchase these skate it's worth every penny. Tip if you deciding on a size like I was go a size bigger they fit a little snug."
Mcclary Letran (Chula Vista) 30/09/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"Love these skates. Tight fit in the beginning but broke them in after 2 weeks of daily use. I trimmed the buckle for tighter fit, I recommend using shoelaces for better liner fit."
Leo Rodriguez (Brooklyn) 10/08/2020
Afișează toate 21 recenziile
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