
Minishred Snowboard

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Copiii progresivi snowboarderi vor iubi acest snowboard

Această placă are un flex moale și este proiectată pentru a fi ușor de manevrat.

Avantajele snowboard-ului Bataleon Minishred

  • Părțile laterale supraînălțate minimizează riscul de prindere involuntară a marginilor
  • Profilul low camber oferă putere atunci când coboară cu viteză pe groomeri

Vă rugăm să rețineți: Această placă are baza FlipFlop de la Bataleon - prin urmare, culorile bazei vor varia.


Flex Snowboard:
Sistem legături:
Standard (4x4), 2 x 4
True Twin
Stil de Riding:
All Mountain, Freestyle
Nu este inclus
Material miez (core):
Plop, Fag
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Recenzii   (2)

Cumpărător verificat
"We haven’t tried this yet, but are super excited to. One thing I will point out is to double check the length of your screws for the inserts. We mounted a set of Burton grom bindings with the supplied screws. They were too long and I ended up pushing the base out. It’s really frustrating, but hopefully things will be ok. There’s a chance the base will delaminate since these protrusions are lined up with a section of diecut base. You would think the supplied hardware with kids bindings would work, but maybe bataleon boards are quite thinner compared to others. In my 30 years of snowboarding, this is the first time I’ve done this. So parents, be super aware when setting this board up for your kids. Don’t crank down super hard on the hardware before checking on the hardware length."
David Jeffrey (Fredericton) 13/12/2022
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