
XC Over Mittens

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Adăugați un al doilea strat de căldură la sesiunile de cross country

Mănușile XC Over Mittens sunt concepute pentru schiorii de schi fond pentru a fi purtate peste mănușile obișnuite. Acestea funcționează ca un al doilea strat, oferindu-ți o grămadă de căldură suplimentară atunci când este nevoie.

Confecționate din țesătură 70% poliester și 30% PU cu proprietăți de respingere a vântului și a apei.


Mitten (cu degetul mare separat)
Caracteristici Suplimentare:
Pot fi splălate la mașină
Zonă încheietură elastică
Schi Alpin, Schi Fond, Snowboard
Brand Specific
Țesătură alcătuire:
3 straturi
Windbreaker, Poliester

Recenzii   (4)

Cumpărător verificat
"I measured my hand and using size chart ordered a 9. Haven't tried them yet, but they may be a tad tight going over my gloves. They will work, but if I was ordering again would order 9 1/2."
David Stone (Mount Horeb) 11/02/2024
Cumpărător verificat
"Overmitts are size 9 as recommended by Hestra's website to match base gloves they layer over. However I would recommend going up a size, so for me Size 10 for the XC overmitts going over #9 XC Glove (Windstopper). I got Hestra system of: Wool liners, Race Gloves, and Overmitts. And they do all fit together, just more snuggly than I think would be optimal with all items same size. In future I would opt to size-up the Over-mitten to help trap more warm air to increase the temperature range application of this particular system of hand layering! The Size 9 liner wool with Size 9 Glove fit okay together (a scotch tight) yet this overmitten is a more on the tight side so won't be as warm as could be possible (is still stretchy). Borderline at Top of the Hestra point sizes. For some a Size 8 Liner with 9 Glove, followed by 10 Over-mitten would be perfect! I like my gloves tight, so am closer to Size 10 hence my problem matching layer size."
Charles W. (Red Deer) 14/11/2023
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  H Charles, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. We're sorry to hear that the size didn't work out that well. In the future we would recommend following our size chart, because that can give you the most accurate size recommendation. If we can assist you with anything else, feel free to reach out. /Your SkatePro Team
Cumpărător verificat
A. Joelle (Pessac) 14/03/2023
Cumpărător verificat
"These over mitts are fabulous for cross-country skiing. They fit nicely on top of my existing mitts (or gloves) to help with colder days. The size is perfect (per chart) and the quality is excellent, with a leather palm and a windproof back. I start with them and can remove them easily once I'm warmed up. Alternatively, I carry them in my pocket as a back up if I get cold. The beauty is that you never need to remove your actual mitts. I can't speak to durability yet as this is my first season with them. Really happy."
Francois Truchon (Gatineau) 08/02/2022
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