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RSK Summer Roller Ski Skate Boots

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Ghetele pentru schi cu role RSK Summer sunt concepute de Alpina. Acestea sunt confecționate special pentru condițiile meteo mai ridicate, folosind țesături care permit ventilarea optimă a picioarelor. Astfel, te poți antrena chiar și vara, fără ca picioarele să te jeneze. Datorită manșetelor din zona gleznei și a tălpii rigide care facilitează mișcările laterale, aceste ghete de la Alpina sunt ideale pentru schiul cu role. Gheata este compatibilă cu sistemele de prindere NNN/NIS, Turnamic, Prolink and Rottefella MOVE™.

  • Tălpi interioare anatomice care asigură îmbunătățirea semnificativă a verticalității piciorului, oferindu-ți în același timp confort grozav și izolare optimă


Extra Features:
Anatomic footbed
Sistem de prindere compatibil:
NNN/NIS, Turnamic, Prolink, Rottefella MOVE™

Recenzii   (9)

Cumpărător verificat
"Bra stabilitet och lagom varma i vårsolen."
Jonathan Waldemarson (Habo) 18/05/2021
Cumpărător verificat
Bent Cato Kirkeng (Rakkestad) 17/05/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Order came on time and as requested. My wife loves these boots, and can finally skate in warm weather comfortably!"
Cayde R. (West Jordan) 14/04/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"No snow yet so can’t fully comment but they look and feel good at home."
Wes Mills (East York) 26/01/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Terrible boots. I've also tried two pairs of Botas boots, different models. Both are far superior to these Alpina RSK boots. The boots lack stability. The torsional strength is poor; they flex and bend easily. In addition, the heel on one of the boots kept hitting the fins on the bindings, rather than settling smoothly into the grooves, which caused additional stability issues. The grooves/channels on the soles are narrower than on the Botas' boots, which I think contributes to the problem. If that wasn't enough, they also grated against my ankle, leaving me with a nasty blister after less than 10k. To top things off, the cuff has little padding and is uncomfortable. The only positive that I can attribute to these boots is the heel lock, which is made of some kind of rubbery material, and seems to work well."
Anton V. (Salt Lake City) 10/09/2020
Răspuns de la SkatePro:  Hey there,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review.

I would love to discuss this matter further with you. I have attached this reply as an email so you can respond. We will do our best to find a solution for you.

All the best

Cumpărător verificat
"Excellent price. The breathability is great and they work well. They are sized slightly larger than I would like and what I am used to with my Rossignol winter boots."
Chad Bergerson (Alexandria) 17/07/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"Sure, if you're used to race boots they're a little soft, but I'm not racing while rolling anyway. I'm just getting in some hours. And for that these boots are comfortable and come at a great value."
Matt R. (New Haven) 26/08/2019
Cumpărător verificat
"This boot fits wide feet due to its flexible nature, and at the same time you can get it rigid enough for it to work pretty well. Most people with wide feet will know what I mean. The breathability is great as well."
Nathaniel M. (Lovettsville) 18/07/2019
Cumpărător verificat
"Really good for the price. Way more breathable than normal boots."
A. Morano (Dillon) 15/07/2019
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