Ghetele pentru schi cu role RCO Summer sunt concepute de Alpina. Acestea sunt confecționate special pentru condițiile meteo mai ridicate, folosind țesături care permit ventilarea optimă a picioarelor. Astfel, te poți antrena chiar și vara, fără ca picioarele să te jeneze. Datorită tălpii flexibile și a manșetei joase a gleznei care facilitează mișcările de avânt, aceste ghete Alpina sunt perfecte pentru schiul clasic cu role. Gheata este compatibilă cu sistemele de prindere NNN/NIS, Turnamic, Prolink and Rottefella MOVE™.
- Tălpi interioare anatomice care asigură îmbunătățirea semnificativă a verticalității piciorului, oferindu-ți în același timp confort grozav și izolare optimă
Extra Features:
Anatomic footbed
Sistem de prindere compatibil:
NNN/NIS, Turnamic, Prolink, Rottefella MOVE™
Recenzii (17)
"Leider waren mir die Schuhe zu Groß umgetauscht ohne Problem" | |
Mariana Stys-Voll (Neunkirchen) | 05/03/2022 |
"These are nice boots, unfortunately they were a big too big but as previous reviews have mentioned, nothing that a pair of socks won’t fix. Secondly when I put them by using the thumb loop at the back of the boot kit has broken some of the stitching which is not what would have expected from such a calibration make of boot." | |
Andrew h. (Great Yarmouth) | 15/09/2021 |
"The summer ski boots are excellent for my summer training on roller skis." | |
David Caras (St. Petersburg) | 19/05/2021 |
"Sehr guter Sommerrollerschuh! (Größe passt) Schnelle Lieferung!" | |
Thomas Hering (Dresden) | 17/05/2021 |
"These boots have a great shape and I can easily fit my feet into these...which is not self-evident as they are really wide. I bought a “b-grade” pair which had obviously been slightly used before. They were exactly as described by skaterpro and arrived exactly on time = perfect!" | |
Thorsten R Fleiter (Owings Mills) | 19/01/2021 |
"Buenas , un poco blandas . No tienen una sujeción fuerte." | |
Juan de Dios García Benavides (Granada) | 06/10/2020 |
"Great service and great kit! Chose the wrong size and delighted with how quickly a new pair was sorted out. Thank you" | |
Shaun Mclaughlin (Cholsey) | 17/09/2020 |
"Great boots. High volume, so may need to add thicker insole." | |
William C. (North Yarmouth) | 12/08/2020 |
"Great product selection, and timely updates regarding order status (especially in the face of unforeseen delays & extraordinary circumstances)." | |
B. Deerrose (Evergreen) | 21/04/2020 |
"👍👍👍👍" | |
Henning Aaby (Hokksund) | 06/04/2020 |
"Excelente comunicacion sobre el proceso de envio. Paquete recibido con rapidez y en perfecto estado." | |
Eduard P. (Barcelona) | 09/03/2020 |
"Super schnell geliefert. Tolles Material, macht richtig Spaß. Handschuhe sind zu klein (Grösse 7 statt 10), aber meiner Frau passen sie perfekt 😉" | |
Wolfgang Weber (Sankt Georgen im Schwarzwald) | 05/03/2020 |
"alles top, gerne wider." | |
Marco G. (Ermatingen) | 02/09/2019 |
"Bra prylar i ett väl fungerande start kit. Rekommenderas!" | |
Nicklas Friberg (Täby) | 29/08/2019 |