Livrare 3 zile lucrătoare
365 de zile pentru retur
Mai ușoare și mai puternice decât tuburile obișnuite din cauciuc
Tubul Tubolito 24" Schrader Lightweight BMX Tube este o cameră de aer ușoară, robustă și fiabilă pentru bicicleta dvs. de 24" de tip cruiser.
Este fabricat dintr-un compus termoplastic unic și special prelucrat, care este atât mai ușor, cât și mai puternic/mai rezistent la perforații decât tuburile de cauciuc tradiționale.
În plus, este ambalată într-un mod convenabil, cu 50% mai mic decât tuburile obișnuite, ceea ce face ca o cameră de rezervă să fie super ușor de luat cu tine tot timpul.
Mod disciplină BMX:
BMX Freestyle
Tip Valvă (capac):
Diametru roată:
Lățime cauciuc:
1.8", 2.0", 2.2", 2.4"
Bucăți per pachet:
Recenzii (3)
"I bought two pieces. The seller didn't really know what s/he were selling. The description on the website was incomplete, and I couldn't figure out what variant of the product was sold. It proved to be the inner tube for cargo bikes, while I was after the one for BMX bikes. Since the delivery took quite a long time, I didn't send them back, and put these on. They were for a kid's racing bike, and the 20-30 grams lighter of the other variant might have made a difference. The price was not the best one, but they had quite a good deal for repair kits, if bought with the camera." | |
C. Alexandru (Bucureşti 39) | 06/03/2021 |
"Really light and puncture proof tube. Bought with repair kits, as couldn't find them anywhere." | |
Oleksandr Lysenkov (London) | 17/03/2021 |
"produit conforme à mes attentes, à voir dans le temps." | |
Serge Lefort (Biot) | 11/01/2021 |