
MyFit Gel Heel Pad

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Myfit s-a dovedit a fi un expert în protecția, flexibilitatea și confortul piciorului. Aceste Gel Heel Pads se potrivesc la majoritatea patinelor fără modificări și vă vor ajuta să stați confortabil în timp ce faceți trucuri mari sau în timpul unei sesiuni lungi de funbox.

Dimensiuni (pe baza mărimii UE pentru patine):
Mic: 36 - 40
Mediu: 40 - 43
Mare: 43 - 47

Recenzii   (13)

Cumpărător verificat
"Se potrivește bine în papuci, se curbează și se deformează pentru a se potrivi formei. Nu miroase urât!"
Sylvain DUMONT (CLARET) 07/12/2024
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Cumpărător verificat
"I purchased these Gel Heel Pads in a size large for my US 10.5/11 feet (EUR 44.5/45). I have a reasonably narrow heels and have put these into Alpina XC ski boots; a brand known to have somewhat narrower heel pockets. The Size L doesn't fit well...I would recommend going with the Medium if your situation is similar. However I did get them to seat despite them being too wide because they are very squishy. They fit well enough and my heel is narrow enough that I don't have issues when walking around indoors in a warm room. Time will tell if they add to much volume and width to suit the task when skiing outdoors. They provided enough lift to move my bone spurs (ankle) to a more comfortable place in my XC ski boots (a performance model). So I would recommend anyone to get them for seeking the same outcome to relieve pressure points due to skinny/bony feet and ankles!"
Charles W. (Red Deer) 15/11/2023
Cumpărător verificat
"Good product just what I wanted"
M. Simpson (Liff) 30/09/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Great support and damping, but I ended up not using them. More comfy without."
Erik Sellström (Hägersten) 02/06/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Durch die Gel Pads keine Knie Probleme mehr - Super Artikel"
Tim Liedtke (Ellerau, Holst) 18/05/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Husband appreciated these and is using them with good results. They seemed to fit in his shoes just fine. I based my size selection on the product information given."
sct clv (Belleville) 15/04/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Bra produkt"
Dan Lindroth (Vallentuna) 07/04/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Genialt produkt. Jeg har tendens til at læne mig lidt for meget tilbage. Har rettet min "posture" til det bedre, og er super behagelig at køre med."
M. Gaba (Valby) 04/01/2021
Cumpărător verificat
"Ce matériau ( gel) est inadapté à la pratique du rollers, cela apporte certe une sensation de confort mais détruit la stabilité. je le déconseille pour les utilisateurs avancés. Cette talonnette surélève le talon ce qui vous porte à basculer vers l´avant de façon très prononcé il faut en être conscient car cela change totalement l’expérience du rollers. Peut être très déstabilisant. Ce produit n’a pas corrigé l’écart de pointure de mes rollers qui se trouvait être légèrement trop grand."
bernard deroo (BOURBOURG) 15/09/2020
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Merci pour votre commentaire et pour l'intérêt que vous portez à SkatePro.

Nous espérons que vous êtes satisfait de votre commande, nous vous remercions également pour votre retour sur le produit, nous prenons en compte votre avis et nous allons faire remonter l'information. Néanmoins si vous n'êtes pas satisfait du produit vous pouvez toujours effectuer un échange ou un remboursement en remplissant le formulaire, voir lien ci-dessous :


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Si vous avez d'autres questions n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, en vous souhaitant une excellente journée.



Cumpărător verificat
"Universal fit, good support/replacement- used as a replacement for my Salomon St10's which had an amazing stock shock absorber"
Dean Thompson (London) 02/07/2020
Cumpărător verificat
"Confortables dans le patin. Je les ai utilisés pour rehausser mon talon et «remplir » le chausson à peine trop grand. Impeccable."
Rey M. (Auxerre) 20/08/2019
Cumpărător verificat
"Bon produit"
Lapin Catherine (Volgelsheim) 27/06/2019
Cumpărător verificat
"I recommend this heel pads for THEM SKATES, because it's not to high and from time to time it fit more with your feet!"
Alexander D. (Barcelona) 08/11/2018
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